Algorithmic Couture Alliance will reveal the process of sharing knowledge and technology by reflecting on the practice of introducing the next-generation design engine Algorithmic Couture↗︎ developed by Synflux↗︎ and the interaction with designers and brands through dialogue. media project. We aim to transform clothing design and manufacturing systems, expand and connect networks to co-create a renewable future of fashion, and build alliances to launch new businesses and products.

Algorithmic Couture Alliance は、Synflux↗︎が開発する次世代のデザインエンジンAlgorithmic Couture↗︎を導入した実践と、そこでのデザイナーやブランドとのインタラクションの様相を対話から捉え返し、知識や技術を分かち合うプロセスを公開するメディアプロジェクト。衣服の設計や製造システムの変革を目指し、再生可能なファッションの未来を共創するネットワークをひろげ、つなぎ、新たな事業や製品を立ち上げる、アライアンスの構築を目指しています。


Creating a pluralistic look in times of environmental crisis–––that is the raison d’être of Synflux↗︎. We want to sustain the richness of fashion while evolving into a rational and efficient clothing production method that adapts to the global environment. Design and technology have the power to regenerate nature and expand creativity. We are working with the belief that we can realize a pluralistic future beyond that.

Transition to optimized production–––We aim to move toward optimized production, which overcomes the mass production of today’s fashion industry. We will change the traditional way of making clothes, where we make too much and throw it away, to one where we make just the right amount and there is no waste. We are implementing the technology and knowledge for this purpose.

Unleashing digital creativity–––By joining forces with artificial intelligence and artificial life and inviting them into the design process, we explore vibrant expressions that cannot be achieved with human power alone. We are developing a next-generation system that combines the creation of diverse body shapes and images, which is only possible with digital technology, and sustainable design.





Algorithmic Couture

Algorithmic Couture↗︎ is a design engine equipped with Synflux’s unique algorithm. It is possible to create clothing designs and patterns that minimize waste. By optimizing the design of patterns, which are the core of garment production, using differential geometry and machine learning algorithms, we can reduce textile loss and material costs, where traditionally 15-30% was wasted. At the same time, it supports the creativity of designers and pattern makers by generating many variations of patterns and designs.

Algorithmic Couture

Algorithmic Couture↗︎は、Synflux独自のアルゴリズムを搭載したデザインエンジン。限りなく廃棄を最小化した衣服のデザインとパターンの生成を可能としています。衣服生産の核となるパターンの設計を、微分幾何学と機械学習アルゴリズムによって最適化することで、従来15–30%が捨てられていたテキスタイルのロスと材料コストを減らすことができます。同時に、パターンやデザインのバリエーションを多数生成することで、デザイナーやパタンナーの創造性を支援します。

[1] RECONSTRUCT ⋯ Reconstruct garment design
[2] GENERATE ⋯ Generate multiple design variation
[3] FLATTEN ⋯ Flatten 3D shape into 2D pattern
[4] NEST ⋯ Nest the pattern to optimize fabric waste

[1] 再構築 ⋯ 型紙の線を再構築
[2] 生成 ⋯ パターンやデザインバリエーションの生成
[3] 平面化 ⋯ 3Dシルエットを2Dのパターンデータに平面化
[4] 充填 ⋯ 極小廃棄に最適化

Phase 1
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 4


Synflux: Algorithmic Couture Alliance
–––Dialogue on digital and fashion

2024.3.15 (fri)–3.24(sun) 13:00–19:00 | admission free
Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT] ↗︎

New forms of creativity are now emerging from the meeting of rapidly evolving digital technology with fashion design. The exhibition investigates hybrid approaches to fashion design involving digital technology. Through videos of dialogues with Tokyo-based, internationally active designers and brands viewable in the venue and online, it showcases the diverse potential of digital fashion. Exhibits also include a utilization of Algorithmic Couture, a design system developed by Synflux that reduces material waste during clothing manufacturing. The exhibition is accompanied by an opening talk at SUPER DOMMUNE as well as “What is the Digital Me and Smooth Fashion Design?,” a series of lectures and workshop with researchers and members of the public.

Comprising varied research and dialogue, the exhibition brings into relief a multifaceted discussion about clothing design and manufacturing systems, our consumption, and our physicality in relation to digital fashion. These reveal the future paths and current challenges for digital technology and fashion design. As a CCBT artist fellow, Synflux has undertaken wide-ranging research on the more environmentally friendly systems for fashion design made possible by new technology. Through the exhibition and related events, it aims to construct a creative alliance of torchbearers for realizing the future of generative fashion.

* This project was produced as part of the “Art Incubation Program,” an artist fellowship program of the Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT].


Synflux: Algorithmic Couture Alliance

2024年3月15日(金)–3月24日(日) 13:00–19:00|観覧無料

加速度的に進化するデジタルテクノロジーと、ファッションデザインのあいだに生まれる新しい創造性。展覧会「Algorithmic Couture Alliance」では、デジタルテクノロジーと結びついたハイブリッドなファッションデザインのあり方を探究します。東京を拠点に国際的に活躍するデザイナーやブランドとの対話を通じ、「デジタルファッション」の多義的な可能性を、映像やウェブサイトにより紹介しています。また、Synfluxが開発した衣服生産時の素材廃棄を減らすデザインシステム「Algorithmic Couture」を活用した実践も展示。さらに、会期中にはSUPER DOMMUNEでのオープニングトークや、研究者や市民を交えたレクチャー&ワークショップ「デジタルな私となめらかなファッションデザイン?」を開催します。



Opening Event | SUPER DOMMUNE “Algorithmic Couture Alliance: Digital and Fashion Dialogues“

Opening talk for Synflux's Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT] 2023 Artist Fellowship "Algorithmic Couture Alliance" is held at SUPER DOMMUNE. This event attempts to initiate critical discourse on the next fashion, in response to changes in production and consumption environments, and to outline the issues that need to be addressed now and the path of transition toward the future.

In the first session, fashion researchers Hiroshi Ashida and Masato Inoue join a discussion titled "Digital Technology from Historical Perspective: Is Fashion Criticism Possible Now?” and argue critiquing fashion and the (un)possibility of critical practice.

In the second session, media researcher Yutaka Iida and architect Eri Tsugawa discuss digital fashion under the title "Publicness of Digital Fashion: The City, the Body, and Virtual Reality," regarding the impact of virtual reality and augmented reality on media, cities, and the body.

Dates | March 15 (Fri) 18:00-22:30
Venue | SUPER DOMMUNE *live stream on YouTube also available.
Capacity | 50 (First-come, first-served basis)
Admission free
No reservation required

Kazuya Kawasaki (Synflux CEO / Speculative fashion designer)
Naohiro Ukawa (Now “in” artist / Domination of Dommune)

SESSION 1 | Is fashion criticism possible now? ───Digital Technology from Historical Perspective
Hiroshi Ashida (Associate Professor, Faculty of Design, The University of Kyoto Seika / Fashion Researcher) x Masato Inoue (Associate Professor, Department of Human Environmental Sciences, The University of Mukougawa Women's)

SESSION 2 | Publicness of Digital Fashion──Urban, Physical, and Virtual Reality
Yutaka Iida (Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Ritsumeikan) x Eri Tsugawa (Architect / Representative of ALTEMY)

Hiroshi Ashida (Associate Professor, Faculty of Design, The University of Kyoto Seika / Fashion Researcher)
Masato Inoue (Associate Professor, Department of Human Environmental Sciences, The University of Mukougawa Women's)
Yutaka Iida (Professor,Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Ritsumeikan)
Eri Tsugawa (Architect / Representative of ALTEMY)
Naohiro Ukawa (Now “in” artist / Domination of Dommune)
Yoko Fujishima(Synflux CCO / Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Ritsumeikan)
Kotaro Sano(Synflux COO / CDO / Algorithmic fashion designer)
Kazuya Kawasaki (Synflux CEO / Speculative fashion designer)

オープニング|SUPER DOMMUNE「Algorithmic Couture Alliance ── デジタルとファッションをめぐる対話」

Synfluxによる、シビック・クリエイティブ・ベース東京[CCBT]の2023年度アーティスト・フェロー活動「Algorithmic Couture Alliance」のオープニングトークを、SUPER DOMMUNEで開催。制作や消費環境の変化にともなう、次なるファッションの批評的言説を立ち上げ、今向き合うべき課題と未来に向けた移行の道筋を描き出すことを試みます。





川崎和也(Synflux CEO / スペキュラティヴ・ファッションデザイナー) × 宇川直宏(“現在”美術家 / DOMMUNE主宰)

SESSION 1|今、ファッション批評は可能か?───歴史からみるデジタルテクノロジー

SESSION 2|デジタルファッションの公共性───都市、身体、バーチャルリアリティ

蘆田裕史(京都精華大学デザイン学部准教授 / ファッション研究者)
津川恵理(建築家 / ALTEMY代表)
宇川直宏(“現在”美術家 / DOMMUNE主宰)
藤嶋陽子(Synflux CCO / 立命館大学産業社会学部准教授)
佐野虎太郎(Synflux COO / CDO / アルゴリズミック・ファッションデザイナー)
川崎和也(Synflux CEO / スペキュラティヴ・ファッションデザイナー)

Open Dialogue | “Open Dialogue: Fashion Design for the Digital Self“

Synflux holds a lecture and workshop ”Fashion Design for the Digital Self” to consider the future relationship between "digital fashion" and "I".

The possibility of convergence culture, in which content and users freely assemble and disperse across an increasingly pluralistic array of media platforms; digital democracy, in which new identities and ways of participating in decision-making are developed while engaging with blockchain and Web3; the creator economy, in which local contexts are shared and globally connected── how can we rethink our relationship with fashion in the context of these social and technological trends?

We participate in fashion culture, sometimes as individuals who express strong attachments and emotions, and at other times as part of a crowd that enjoys passive consumption incorporated into the digital platform. In this program, in addition to a keynote by Prof. Tomoko Shimizu on media platforms, digital democracy, and convergence culture, there is a short lecture about recent trends in fashion, art, media and culture by Kaori Kanamori, Chikei Hara and Yoko Fujishima. Then, by engaging in a workshop, you will gain a perspective that crosses the boundaries between active and passive, participation and consumption, and gain your own relationship with digital fashion.

Dates | March 20 (Wed) 11:00-18:30
Venue | Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]
Capacity | 【Session 1】【Session 2】Capacity: 90 (First-come, first-served basis)/ 【Session 3】Capacity: 30 (Pre-Registration Required)
Application |
Admission free
Information Assurance Support | If you would like to request support, please fill out the application form.

Target participants
- Anyone interested in fashion culture and digital technology.
- Those who are starting up a fashion project or business, or those who are already in practice.
- Those who are interested in the consumer culture, artistic expression, etc. brought about by digital technology.

11:00-12:30 [Part 1]Keynote
Speaker | Kazuya Kawasaki
Keynote "The Future of Fashion and Democracy in the Age of Digital Media"
Speaker | Tomoko Shimizu (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)

13:30-16:30 [Part 2] Lecture
Lecture "Fashion in the Digital Platform: Accelerating Cycle of Images and Light Consumption”
Speaker | Yoko Fujishima(Synflux CCO / Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Ritsumeikan)
Lecture "Creator Community Practice on the Connectivity of Art and Fashion"
Speaker | Chikei Hara (Independent Curator)
Lecture "On community and inclusive practices in fashion and art projects (tentative)"
Speaker | Kao Kanamori (DRIFTERS INTERNATIONAL CEO / Associate senior producer,precog co.,LTD.)

Tomoko Shimizu (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)
Kao Kanamori (DRIFTERS INTERNATIONAL CEO / Associate senior producer,precog co.,LTD.)
Chikei Hara (Independent Curator)
Yoko Fujishima (Synflux CCO / Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Ritsumeikan)
Kazuya Kawasaki(Synflux CEO / Speculative fashion designer)





会場|シビック・クリエイティブ・ベース東京 [CCBT]
定員 |【第1部】【第2部】90名(事前申込不要) / 【第3部】30名(要事前申込・先着順) 参加費 無料


11:00-12:30 [第1部]キーノート
イントロダクション スピーカー:川崎和也

13:30-16:30 [第2部]レクチャー
スピーカー|藤嶋陽子(Synflux CCO/立命館大学産業社会学部准教授)
スピーカー|金森香(DRIFTERS INTERNATIONAL Representative Director/株式会社precog アソシエイト・シニア・プロデューサー)


金森香(DRIFTERS INTERNATIONAL Representative Director/株式会社precog アソシエイト・シニア・プロデューサー)
藤嶋陽子(Synflux CCO / 立命館大学産業社会学部准教授)
川崎和也(Synflux CEO / スペキュラティヴ・ファッションデザイナー)


Planning and production | Synflux
Sponsor | Civic Creative Base Tokyo [CCBT]
Creative Direction | Kazuya Kawasaki (Synflux)
Design Direction | Kotaro Sano (Synflux)
Research/Management | Yoko Fujishima (Synflux), Ayana Masuno
Research/Management Assistants | Shihoko Ansai, Towani Harayama, Miki Itabashi
Art Direction/Design | Kamimura & Co.
Space Design | studio arche
Website | HAUS
CG | Apparel Play Office, Takashi Yoshikawa
Film | Ryo Yoshiya
Film Assistant | Hayate Shimura
Cover Visual | Kai Tamaki

Speakers (opening) | Naohiro Ukawa, Hiroshi Ashida, Masato Inoue, Yutaka Iida, Eri Tsugawa, Kazuya Kawasaki
Speakers (Open Dialogue) | Tomoko Shimizu, Kao Kanamori, Chikei Hara, Yoko Fujishima, Kazuya Kawasaki

Special Thanks | A-POC ABLE ISSEY MIYAKE, GOLDWIN Inc., doublet, HATRA
Special Thanks (Opening Talk) | SUPER DOMMUNE


アートディレクション/デザイン|Kamimura & Co.
空間設計|studio arche
CG|Apparel Play Office、吉川学志


協力(オープニングトーク)|SUPER DOMMUNE